Joy and confidence coaching for queer and autistic babes


Are you a queer and/or neurodivergent person? Does your brain like to serve you a lot of negativity and drama on a silver platter?

Have you lost hope in the state of the world, or feel aimless in your life? Can't remember the last time life felt joyful and easy?

I have good news. I can help you get that joy and confidence back.

Marginalized folks like us receive a lot of harmful messages from society. Ones about not being allowed to take up space, that we're too weird, too different, too loud. That being ourselves is dangerous, and our only hope of survival is being "more normal." That we aren't allowed to have authority over our lives, because someone else has to give us permission to be seen or make big moves.
Even if we manage to shift those beliefs, we're left fighting those internalized patterns every step of the way.

Taking that journey solo is HARD AS FUCK.

But you don't have to do it alone.

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You’re probably feeling
at least one of these:

  • Constantly overwhelmed by house chores that just keep piling up

  • Hatred at the sight of yourself in the mirror (dysphoria, dysmorphia, you name it)

  • Stressed about money, but hate doing your budget and feel stuck in an impulse spending cycle

  • Tired of being emotional and reactive in your relationships with partners, friends, and family

  • Hopeless about the state of the world, but also feel powerless to do anything about it

  • Burned out from masking yourself constantly, but can’t stop because of what people will think

  • Can't remember the last time you felt true, authentic joy

Same, friend. I used to feel all of these things, and then I used thoughtwork to change my life.

GOOD NEWS! I can help you change yours too.

In coaching sessions with me, you can learn how to rewire all of these painful patterns and more. 

Let's get one thing straight.

I don't have all the answers on how to make your most amazing life. But YOU DO. I'm not here as an authority to tell you what decision to make, I'm here as an accountability buddy and conversation partner to help you figure out what decision YOU want to make. The only person with authority over your life is you. and that's great news, because it means you can do anything you want with that authority. 

I will give you a set of concrete tools that can help you investigate what's holding your sweet human brain back, but what we do with those tools is totally up to you and your beautiful mind. We can shift your body image, your relationships, your money mindset, your feelings about work, stress about shitty politics, and so much more. This work can be hard sometimes, but it is SO, SO worth it. I have never felt more in love with my life and this imperfect world, and I promise you that possibility exists for you too.

Are you ready to finally take back control over your experience of life?

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